Hi there! Just to introduce myself, I am Kenzie the owner of KCR Rental & Design (obvs where the KCR comes from). I have always been captivated by interior decor, fashion and weddings. I could seriously browse pinterest all day, every day. I got engaged in October of 2018 and while wedding planning I had a very difficult time finding what I have always envisioned my wedding to look like… and yes we can blame pinterest for that. I ended up having to purchase most of the items that I wanted which is MAJORLY expensive. Then after our wedding in August of 2019, when I ended up having a dedicated used wedding decor room… the idea of KCR came to mind! and why I didn’t think of this before..
I started by looking for vendors that had something different than the average white plate. I wanted to find tabletop items that were a statement of their own, that were considered luxury and could make any tablescape the highlight of an event. It took me weeks, I became obsessed with it, night and day I was searching to find the perfect fits. Once I decided on items I immediately took styled pictures and made a website (that was an experience of its own). This all started exceptionally quick and I kept wondering how and why and finally realized it was because I am doing something I love and it doesn’t feel like work. Isn’t that what we are taught to do? “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life”
This is still just the beginning of this adventure, but I can’t wait to see where it takes me!
xoxo, Kenzie